Ola Pavilion
In March 2013, international architectural competition organizer, ACCA launched a new challenge entitled RIO DE JANEIRO Symbolic World Cup Structure. Praça Cardeal Câmara, situated within the Lapa district, was chosen as a theoretical location. The area is well known for the iconic historical monument Arcos da Lapa, an aqueduct structure, standing just near the Cardeal Câmara plaza.
At that time, promoting the FIFA World Cup seemed a very good idea for an architecture competition. A couple of months later though, the situation took a dramatic turn. Hundreds took the streets to protest against the unjustified budget spendings for the upcoming football event. “We don’t need the world cup! We need money for hospitals and education!” the banners were shouting. The crowds which usually filled the streets and squares of the city, joyful after a football victory now demanded change. Urban space was not used for celebration anymore, social issues took over.
The competition matched very well these new and unexpected events. After all, Brazil is not against football but corruption. The expensive stadiums are the issue, not the football clubs, players and fans. The ACCA competition could offer a study of alternative lightweight urban-oriented solutions for promoting the world of sport.
In Brazil any football match is an extraordinary event! Every victory is a celebration! Broadcasted Football games gather hundreds of fans in front of big screens places in terraces, squares, parks or streets. The bigger the screen the larger the crowd!
Thus, football matches have great impact on the urban space, transforming locations into relational environments, where fans themselves become the spectacle.
The current proposal is defining a space by highlighting this live manifestation of people, all emerged into the same broadcasted, virtual environment created by the media screen. Their behavior, the noises, the strange and colorful outfits are on display at high level, visible from great distance and used to attract more.
The 185m long circular screen has been extruded to a thickness of 1.86m. The resulting area of 350m is equipped with stairs, seating and tables resembling a row of seating of a common stadium. Below, the square is left unoccupied and freely accessible. While the pavilion can accommodate around 300 people, the screen can be visible for more than 1000. On the LED screen several projections of the same match can run at the same time. It can also display media art or become an interactive animation. Due to the relatively small scale of the project, adaptability, its temporary nature and the method of assembling a crowd-funding strategy may be used for financing.
Design steps:
1. Create a 360 degrees environment on site using LED screen.
2. Create a spatial relation with Praca Cardeal Camara.
3. Partially lift the resulting object to create circulation in all directions.
Sometimes Praca Cardeal Camara is occupied with tents where antiques, souvenirs mad by local craftsmen or food is sold. These activities can still work together with the proposed screen object.
Program and space requirements:
- Information area: a 25 m2 space including reception desk(s) for visitors. This area should aim to provide a signposting service for visitors.
- Souvenir shop area: a 25 m2 space where souvenirs will be sold. This should directly connect to the information area.
- Café: a 200 m2 space where 40 tables for 4 people each will be situated together with a small area for snack food concession.
- Big screen for direct live event display, replay, news and interviews screening connected with the café and also with the square.
- Facilities: a 20m2 space 4 toilet cubicles. (Toilets will be used by staff and café customers only).
- Administration: a 30 m2 space destined for offices, changing room and storage. Connected with the TV live news.
- A 20m2 space to contain an independent water tank, cleaning and electricity system.
- One emergency exit.
TOTAL AREA: approximately 350 m2